When I asked what locations Will and his mom had in mind for his senior session, she mentioned that he really wanted a classic Austin-y feel mostly including the famous “I love you so much” mural. So we decided to meet up at the Long Center and then set about exploring a little bit, hopping out of the car when we found a great location we liked.
We hopped out of the car at this abandoned bar because the colors perfectly matched his letter jacket, and as the starting quarterback for Westwood’s football team for the past two years, we really wanted to showcase that (although it’s not too hard to find burnt orange in Downtown Austin!). As we were shooting against the burnt orange walls, another former Westwood football player came up and said Hey to Will and chatted a little bit about their coach and experiences on the team. No matter how much Austin grows, experiences like this still make it feel like a small town.
We had a ton of fun exploring and shot until we ran out of sunlight, and saved the football-themed portion of his session until the season was over and the field was available a few months later.
Here are some of my favorites from Will’s senior session downtown!

Book your own senior portrait session – get in touch here.